This sweet family blew me away with their kindness and love for each other.. We had a beautiful sunset session and their little girls were a joy to work with. What an honor to capture them with my lens.

lifestyle photography columbus ohio
This sweet family blew me away with their kindness and love for each other.. We had a beautiful sunset session and their little girls were a joy to work with. What an honor to capture them with my lens.
I feel like I just finished blogging the month of June. I cannot believe how quickly July went by. It was a fun and crazy month at our house. Lots of grilling out, watermelon, corn on the cob, and a visit to my hometown in Northwest Ohio to see my family. It's safe to say that we are making the most of summer!
(It isn't summer without watermelon!)
Current situation in my house:
There is a teething toddler taking what I can only hope to be a long nap, about 7 loads of laundry calling my name, 64 crayola crayons scattered on the first floor of our house (amongst other toys that I picked up last night), and 3 sessions waiting to be edited on my computer.
Running a business from home while taking care of a toddler and trying to keep up with the housework is not for the faint of heart. Am I crazy to love it? Maybe. When you are passionate about something, I guess nothing can stop you or slow you down.
Blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this business of mine. And I don't know if anyone outside of my business will ever fully understand that. It is hard to explain the extent to which I care about my families and capturing beautiful moments for them. The hours I spend editing photos until skin tones or colors look just right, staying up until 1am working on my website, sending contracts to my families, uploading galleries, studying and learning, the list goes on.. I do it all because I love it and I want to give my families the best.
Sometimes we don't realize all of the "behind the scenes" work that goes into running a photography business or any business for that matter. What you see is usually the tip of the iceberg of a business owner wearing many hats. When your sunset photo session in that beautiful field is over, it is time for me to really get to work and the 2 hours we spent together usually turns into more than 4 hours of editing for me behind my computer.
I'm telling you all of this because I want to share a little piece of my story with you and what it's like to be on this side of the camera. I pour my heart and soul into my images of your beautiful families. I feel so blessed to be doing many things that I love, including creating art for wonderful people.
As a way to keep in touch with my current and past clients, I would love for you to join me on my private Facebook group just for EVP clients. I will open up session dates and special offers here first and it will be a little oasis for my clients to ask questions or get in touch with me. Invitations will be sent soon and I hope you will join us!
And a special shout out (again) to my amazing husband, Carmichael.. thank you for believing in me and my crazy passion to follow my heart and do what I love. I love you.
Our son LOVES fish so we recently took a day trip down to Newport, Kentucky to visit the Newport Aquarium. It was a very exciting place for our almost 2 year old and he had a BLAST to say the least.. I am not sure, however, if he enjoyed the fish or people watching more.
It really is amazing to see how magical everything is through a child's eyes.. it makes me remember my own childhood and what it felt like to have that kind of imagination. I think that is one of the best parts about being a parent: being reminded of your own childhood and seeing your child(ren) enjoying the same things that you used to enjoy.
Seeing the joy on my son's face is everything to me and it is what I strive to capture in my photos.. the pure joy of everyday moments during his childhood.