Those first couple of days.. do you remember what they were like? Every time I am editing a fresh 48 session, I get a bit emotional. Even though these aren't MY babies, I can still remember the way it felt to discover this profound love in this tiny little person.
The exhaustion, the hip/back/lady region/basically ALL OVER pain, counting wet diapers, wearing a diaper yourself, getting a good latch, learning how to hold their bobbly little head, nurses checking on you, newborn cries, postpartum hormone changes.. there are so many hard things about those first couple of days.
When my clients look at their photos, I hope all that they remember are those little newborn details.. their tiny wrinkled feet, adorable little face, and the way their heart felt when they first met their baby.
Welcome to the world, little Edwin! You are SO adorable and SO loved.