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smash cake

Columbus Photographer | Smash Cake - Luke turns 1!

Turning 1 is a big deal... Ok it's HUGE! You graduate to "toddler" status, get a delicious cake (which you get to smash!), party, and presents! What more could a kid ask for?! 

For parents, turning one means their baby isn't a little baby anymore.. They are growing up! 

First Birthday Picture

The first year is so awesome and challenging.. BUT even more amazing and full of love than you could have ever imagined! It goes by at the speed of light.. Everyone warns you it does.. And it really does.

This tiny little human that you once swaddled and could carry around like a football (safely lol) is now a toddling, babbling, super active mini you! And if this is your first child, you have survived  your first year of parenthood and should pat yourself on the back! 

Baby Boy First Birthday

Smash cake sessions are all about celebrating that first year.. 

Boy Birthday Cake

Among the many "firsts" that happen during a baby's first 12 months, capturing that FIRST dive into the birthday cake is one of my favorite moments to capture.

I thoroughly enjoyed photographing adorable little Luke as he curiously poked the cake..

Boy First Birthday Cake

Inspected the cake...

Boy First Birthday Cake

Then after a little encouragement, we were rolling! 

Baby First Birthday Cake

Nothing like a handful of birthday cake! 

Baby Smash Cake
Boy Smash Cake

Thank you for letting me be a part of your special birthday celebration! 

Happy Birthday, Luke!