Now Booking Winter Baby Milestone Sessions - Click Here!

columbus ohio fresh 48

Fresh 48 Photography in Columbus Ohio with Erika Venci Photography

There are so many reasons why Fresh 48 photo sessions are my favorite! Nothing compares to the first few days with your newborn baby. Siblings meeting for the first time, wrinkled feet, a first family photo.. It is all so special and goes by SO fast.

I am so excited to offer Fresh 48 sessions for just $195 now through September 20, 2023. Please email me for more information.

Columbus Ohio Photographer | Fresh 48 - Baby Declan

Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography

9lbs and 15 ounces of cuteness here! This little boy is so adorable and I just loved being there to photograph his BIRTH day! The room was full of love and excitement. The highlight of the session was definitely when Declan met his big sister.. She was so sweet to him and even gave him kisses and held his hand. 

Fresh 48 sessions, as you may know, are my favorite. I always feel honored to be a part of the first few days after a family welcomes their baby. Newborn babies change so quickly during their first week and I enjoy preserving their "newness". Thank you to this wonderful family for allowing me to be there!

Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Fresh 48 Lifestyle Photographer - Erika Venci Photography

Columbus Ohio Photographer | Fresh 48 - Aubrey

Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography

As a small business owner, I am learning that I need to put myself out there in order to find my clients! I never thought I would have the confidence to approach a complete stranger at the grocery store to introduce myself and what I do, but that is exactly what happened a few months ago. In this day and age, I feel that we are starting to lose the art of striking up a conversation and networking! Almost everything nowadays, even networking and making new friends, is done online. It is easy to hide behind a phone or computer and try to network with others.. it is not so easy to put yourself out there and show people who you really are in person. Luckily, this lovely, glowing mother at the grocery store did not think I was crazy (I hope! :)) and I am so thrilled to have her and her family as new clients!

We did a fresh 48 hospital session for her daughter a few months later and it is one of my favorite sessions in the books. There was beautiful sunlight that day so we were able to turn off the fluorescent lights of the hospital and just use natural light. It was an intimate session- just me, mom, grandma, and baby. We talked about birth, breastfeeding, and newborn things while I took pictures. I love hearing other's birth stories and what their babies were like. We even got some lovely photos of Aubrey with her Grandma. 

Congratulations to Heather and her family on their newest addition! Thank you for having me there to capture these sweet moments of Aubrey's first few days! 

Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography
Columbus Ohio Photographer - Fresh 48 - Erika Venci Photography

Columbus, Ohio Photographer | Fresh 48 - Josephine

When I woke up to see a text message from my brother-in-law saying Josephine had made her appearance I was beyond happy and excited! I was even MORE excited when they invited me to the hospital to take her fresh 48 pictures that night! 

Josephine is the third grandchild in two years in my husband's family! She is also one of the few girls in a family full of boys! All three grand-babies have been born at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.. which is very close to a popular campus area pizza place called Adriatico's. So, there is a new tradition in the Venci family of the whole family visiting the hospital and bringing a huge Adriatico's pizza.

One of the many things that I love about our family is that we are very connected. My husband's parents and all FOUR of my husband's siblings live in Columbus and we are always getting together.. usually with a lot of food involved. :) So, it is no surprise that when a new baby is born, our tradition is pizza and being together. 


Josephine, you are such a beautiful and sweet little girl! Welcome to the family! Tita loves you so much already! 
