This beautiful momma is expecting baby number four. I was so honored that she asked me to document this special time as she prepared to welcome their last baby. I don’t know what was glowing more.. her or the sunset. Pregnancy is such a beautiful time.. even through all the aches and difficulties.. it is amazing how strong women’s bodies are.
One of the BEST compliments a family can give me is to hire me again for photos. I am so so blessed to have amazing families come to me again and again to tell their story. I absolutely love these guys and am so excited for them to add another sweet little person to their family.
Welcome home, sweet girl! You sure are loved,
Newborn days.
Every time I visit a family in their home for a newborn session it takes me back to the newborn days. These are days filled to the brim with love, awe, sleep deprivation, laundry, newborn squeaks and snuggles. There is nothing else like these days. You think you won't make it through one more night with two hours of sleep but then each newborn snuggle is like a second wind to keep going. These days are short-lived and despite how hard raising a tiny human can be, you will long for them again.
Thank you so much, Charles and Manuela for asking me to document this very sweet and special time in your lives. You are already amazing parents and I cannot wait to watch little Juniper grow.