I am blogging this session about a year and a half after the photos were taken. When I showed the photos to my friend pictured here with her children, she said:
“[I] love this so much!!!! So wonderful to look back on this time. [My daughter] weaned shortly after that session so I'm glad we got some with her as well. [My son] weaned last summer-my youngest at three and a half. I'm happy and sad at the same time that my nursing has come to an end. ..I'm so proud of my nursing journey with each of my kids, and that they chose when to wean, and that we'll have pictures to tell stories and pass on knowledge of breastfeeding beyond infancy and motherhood. It's giving me all the feels right now!!!"
I am so happy that we took these photos for her. Are you nearing the end of your breastfeeding journey with your child(ren)? Documenting it can help so much with the process of weaning.. I know it has helped me. It helps to just know you cherished it and took the time to have photos taken that you will always be able to look back on.